Hymen Holocaust is a solo necro-gore project from Morris "Cliteater" who wanted to have another "band" besides Cliteater. It all started in 2005 when some lyrics were written just for fun. Having an extreme interest in gore grind musick it had to lead that way. No blast beats, just raw, filthy and downtuned groovy stuff was the intention. After a few months some riffing was done and ideas came up to build a couple of tracks. While recording them it all turned out to be better than expected so some more tracks were written within a short time and 8 tracks were a fact. No Escape Records from Australia seemed to be interested in releasing this sick and perverted stuff and a deal was made quite soon. The debut album "Necromance" saw the light of day in February 2006. The follow up "Blood Feast" was recorded in that same year and Hymen Holocaust signed a second deal with No Escape Records to release this utterly insane gore album. On October 30th in 2006 Blood Feast was released.
Necromance - 2006
Don't fuck with ЫЧ!