Prophecy began in 1991 in Shreveport, LA. James Parks II (guitars/vocals) met a couple of other musicians and started jamming together, then decided to form a band. James chose PROPHECY as the name, then after playing in the Shreveport area for over 3 years, the 4 members decided to part ways because they didn't want to get any heavier than the 'Thrash/Speed Metal' style that PROPHECY was at that time. About 6 months passed before James met Joe 'Boogie' Dunlap (guitars) and they decided to move to the D/FW, Texas area to reform PROPHECY as BRUTAL DEATH METAL in 1995. Phil Holland was brought in for lead guttural duty. PROPHECY has since gone through line-up changes to complete the re-formation. PROPHECY began writing new material for their debut 5-song EP 'It Shall Come To Pass', which was self-released on cassette in March 1996. In March of 1997 PROPHECY self-released a 2-song promo cassette for promotion of their debut full length CD, 'Foretold...Foreseen', which was released by Corpse Gristle Records in October 1998. 'It Shall Come To Pass' has been officially re-released on PROPHECY Records & Corpse Gristle Records as of September 3rd, 2001. PROPHECY then prepared to release their second full length CD, 'Our Domain' on Forever Underground Records. The CD was released somewhere August 2002. James Parks II and Jeff Hernandez are officially endorsed by Jackson Guitars as of Februari 2000! The following years were characterized by many line-up changes, eventually making the band decide to take a break, and only James Parks II continued. He has been working on a new CD, to be released late 2004, but the future was uncertain. The band split up as good friends but might return to record the new album when time is ready. Fortunately the band started playing again in ealy 2004 and a European Tour is set for May. (Source: official homepage, E-mailupdates, edited - JR)
Current Members:
Jarrod Butler : vocals
Eric Croson : bass
Joe Dunlap aka: Boogie : guitar
James Parks II : guitar, vocals
Anthony Walker : drums
It Shall Come To Pass Tape 1996
5 tracks
Promo Cassette Promo 1997
2 tracks
Foretold...Forseen CD 1998 Corpse Gristle Records
7 Split LP 2000 Pigeon Shit Agency
Full length split with Cryptic CD 2000
It Shall Come To Pass CD 2001 Corpse Gristle Records
Our Domain (47:21) CD 2002 Forever Underground Records
Foretold...Forseen (:) CD 2004 Forever Underground Records
To Be Released:
t.b.a. (:) CD 2004 Forever Underground Records
Отредактировал Sperminator , дата: 8-е Января 2007-го, 13:52
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