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Brutal CarnageО группахDeath → Horror Of Horrors

        Horror Of Horrors

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        senior pathologist

        Группа: Awaiting Authorisation
        Сообщений: 15363
        Подписчик с Ноября 2012-го
        Дата: 17-е Июня 2019-го, 14:30 | Пост №1 | ссылка Цитировать

        Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.

        Годы активности:

        Kevin Talley - Drums (13 Dead, Busted Guts, Embrace the Dawn, Feared, Grot, Martyred, Nothnegal, Snipers of Babel, Sylencer, The Art of Hate, Daath, ex-Castrofate, ex-Consumned, ex-Decrepit Birth, ex-Dying Fetus, ex-Implore, ex-Misery Index, ex-Six Feet Under, ex-Suffocation, ex-Them, ex-WretchedPain, ex-Absence of the Sacred (live), ex-Battlecross (live), ex-Cattle Decapitation (live), ex-DevilDriver (live), ex-Hate Eternal (live), ex-M.O.D. (live), ex-The Black Dahlia Murder (live), ex-The Red Chord (live), ex-Chimaira, ex-Worlds Divide, ex-All the Way to the Bank, ex-Knuckle Deep)
        H.M. Lopez - Guitars (ex-Neftuwitch)
        Buddy Buell Vocals, Bass (Neftuwitch, ex-Dahlgren Prophecy)
        Kelly Mclauchlin - Guitars (lead) (Pessimist, Hirax (live), ex-Death Force, ex-Resistance, ex-Equinox (live), I Am Morbid, ex-Diabolic, ex-Possessed, ex-Serpent Son, ex-Unholy Ghost, ex-Angelcorpse (live), ex-Cauldron (live), ex-Eliminate (live))

        Sounds of Eerie, Full-length, 1994 (YouTube)
        Old Burnt Church Road, Single, 1994
        Judecca / Horror of Horrors, Split, 1994
        Fangs, Breaking the Skin, Full-length, 1996 (YouTube)
        Blood of the Suspicious, Full-length, 1997 (YouTube)
        Blood, Fangs and Foulness: The Complete Cursed Chronicles, Compilation, 2011
        Rust Flesh Dust, Full-length, 2017 (YouTube)

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